Sunday, July 15, 2007

it is finally raining!!
i can smell the rain...
ya' know...
the smell of the atmosphere before the rain comes
it made me wanted to refuge to a place...
where i can lie down and waste my time doing nothing...
i missed the rain in so many ways...
the urge of sending myself out and get drenched...
is growing stronger and stronger
my sanity remains calm...

anyways...enough of emoness...
damn it...
should i wait for iPhone?
or just go get a w880i / k810i for temporary use?


Aina said...

Changing phone at last?!! Hahahaha..

earthkid said...

mm..i think i will wait for iphone...then buy macbook pro..then got n chun

Aina said...

Nabeh!Rich kaw! APPLE Vee~~