Wednesday, November 28, 2007

colbie colbie colbie cailat!

christmas is coming!!!
i've got my christmas tree up and shinning...
and i'm looking for the santa hat of zam...
everyone should go listen to colbie cailat's album
her songs are more of a acoustic kinda genre...very nice to listen to especially when you're in an extremely bad mood and wanting to slaughter someone...her music can calm you tenkiu for saving so many people's life from me by making nice music...
her name is like damn difficult to pronounce...cailat...tell do you pronounce it?when i sounded like some kinda canton vulgar words...
okok..i know i am all screwed up inside... doesn't really matter...
i can just pretend to be like really close to her and call her colbie...
the album really rocks...
so i am planning to get the original one...
and i think she looks like jennifer aniston at certain angle....

p/s : she's got a new single out, mistletoe

1 comment:

Aina said...

Now i know how to pronouce CAILLAT! hahahahaha...