Tuesday, November 06, 2007

我只能低著頭發呆 讓回憶滲透腦袋 漸漸變空白
我把它當作個意外 但內心還想不開 
以為我明白 其實你都還在

我想起了遇見你的時候 想起你眼神中的溫柔
想起了我們第一次牽手 我閉上眼

想起當時你懷裡的顫抖 似乎那麼害怕失去我
然而到後來我什麼都沒有 當你離開的時候

我可以裝作已釋懷 他對我也算關懷 他看不出來
我知道這樣不應該 在他身上找依賴 
算不算是種出賣 因為你一直在

我想起你親吻我的時候 想起你眼神中的沉默
想起了我們平靜地分手 我閉上眼

想起當時你每一個承諾 把你整個心都交給我
然而到後來我什麼都沒有 越是沒有你越是心痛


Joo Khai said...

HAHAHH just saw the "talk cock sing song (damn i really like this! thx jook)"

i think... u can start your rapping by writing here. your short blogging lines are like a style in itself... if every line got a rhythm and i read aloud... quite similar to rapping liao.

just gotta think of how to write it haha... add a twist to every para (errr verse), some insight, some social statement, some swear words...

faster! i wanna tell my friends i have a rapper auntie friend!

earthkid said...

aunty ur head..i am yao yeng..not aunty lor...hiya..me not copywriter lar...u think very ez to write meh...everytime after writing my blog..i need few days to regain my power before writing another one..a non-productive blogger like me how to be rapper?tsk tsk...u write lar..then i rap..hohoho