Sunday, April 27, 2008

dying in a car accident is the most unworthy way of dying
and for those who didn't stop this from happening...
shame on you and hope this incident will haunt you for the rest of your life!

please don't drink and drive...
it's not for yourself...
it is for the people who loves you
imagine how heart-wrecking it will be to receive the news...
imagine how heart-breaking it will be for the people that you have left behind...

what makes you think that you can handle a vehicle when you can't even walk in a straight line?
please....DON'T drink and drive
everytime when you're about to do it...
spare some time to think about your loved ones...
even if you don't give a damn about your own life...


May said...

what trigger this entry?

earthkid said...

one of my uni friend left us after a fatal accident on saturday early was that can be prevented if someone cared a little more