Tuesday, May 15, 2007

can i give myself another chance
and tr this out again?
afterall...it's definitely worth taking the risk
what is wrong with me?


Aina said...

What's wrong with u?

magicwizard said...

what happen.. what happen... you start writing trailer to your life eh..kasi la finish the story!

earthkid said...

hahaha...yaya..i wanna write a story of my life..huhuhu...btw remi...i think u r right to ban agency..especially the one m working now...no life ler...damn regret lar...now goin to work has only one motivation..to see yasmin ahmad...so sad...

magicwizard said...

hehe.. come on, u just got in. can't let urself drift the regrets. find something that says to you its worth your time to hang in there, afterall you get to built your profile. go girl!! on another note, i think i'm getting tamron 17-50 f/2.8 la.. 17-40L out of my reach, huhuhu...

earthkid said...

thanks man...appreciate the helpful words...guess that's d oni thing i can do now...gotta grab some awards before i leavewei..seriously ar..u goin to sell off ur 90-300?tamron ar...then i rather u get 17-85 IS, longer range some more..saw online ppl selling 1650 oni for 2nd hand one...cheap cheap

Aina said...


May said...

I want to be in her movie!