Thursday, December 07, 2006

i've been looking at the screen for a solid 5 minutes
and i don't have the slightest idea of what to scribble on it

you are hopeless
because your brain's fluid are all dried up...
so practically...
you are just mere brainless...
what the fuck am i talking about?

it is so difficult to find the inspiration to blog

blog about my life?
nah...nothing interesting...
it is just

blog about the government?
i don't wanna end up in jail
where my dad will have to pay a huge amount of money to bail me

blog about my work?
nothing interesting...
it is just deadlines...
and more deadlines...

maybe i should blog about the ant
that has seemed to lost its way on my work desk
for the past half an hour...
it is just walking in circle...
and as i've been very merciful today
i shall not grant it its death...
by wacking my super big palm
on its tiny weeny body...

damn it...
what the fuck am i talking about here?
gotta go work
before this insanity swallows me...

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