Friday, May 25, 2007

isn't this just the time fulfill the transformer's craze?
check out this website
it almost feels like it's a transformer's website...
2advanced studio always produces the best websites..
p/s : the page seems to be down at the time i wrote this..maybe y'all can try later...

on a smaller note...
i totally embarrassed myself on the train today
while enjoy buble's newest album on my poddy
i saw this lady whom was standing not exactly very in front of me
( note that i was blessed with a seat )
i thought she is a pregnant lady
without hesitating
i stood up and gave her my seat...
and without any hesitation also
she sat down...
then i get the time to really look at her
and to my horror... ( ok..i'm exaggerating )
she is just slight over-sized...
and not even near to being a pregnant lady...
i know i must've been a fool
but i have to act cool and pretend nothing happened
but deep down inside of my tiny winy heart
i so wanted to laugh out loud!

ok lar...
so what...i was doing a kind act mah...
how i know she's not pregnant ler...

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