Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Microsoft badly named 'CIBAI'

there was this huge hype in malaysia's and singapore's twitterverse yesterday
an article from microsoft spreaded like wild fire across the virtual land of these two countries
it was just because the software was badly named, CIBAI
to the folks from the western countries
they'd probably never figure out why is it so wrong to name it CIBAI
which is not even an acronym to anything, it is just some randomly generated name that they just decided to plonk in
but over here, every singaporeans and malaysians are going like WTF & LOL

in the event of this
me and my friend couldnt help but wonder will there be more names like this coming out?
maybe things like SOHAI (Sequential Operational Hierarchy Artificial Intelligence)?
or LANJIAO (hamyu please fill in this blank)

here's a screencap of this LOL & WTF article

or click here for da real thang

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