Tuesday, April 14, 2009

i came into the office this morning
just to realize that uncle remi, hamyu, ling ling, karen wong & syam are no longer part of arachnid anymore
i sat down a while
trying to recall all the great times we've spent together
especially working on numerous projects together

they are the best bunch of people i've ever worked with in my life

i hope later in the future
our paths will cross again
i never like changes
but i know that changes are inevitable

time doesnt recover what you've lost
but will keep what you've gained
you guys have not only become great colleagues to me
but good friends that i thought i could never get in the working world

thanks guys
thanks for bringing me to tremendous personal growth
thanks for enduring my silliness and stupidity and ignorance all the time too
i look forward
to having you guys as workmates again someday


yippie said...

sob sob.. =( i will miss u guys too...

earthkid said...

i know..and we will miss u too..damn emo~

Unknown said...

vee vee emo. ozzie thumped!

earthkid said...

ozzie totally rocks!!!!dont call me vee vee...it is not cool at all!!